Sunday, November 7, 2010


Friends, we will keep this page open, but in the reason we've not been updating it is because we are using Facebook now to share most of our stories and pictures. We find it is better suited to our purpose of keeping friends and family up to date.

Although it is for an entirely different purpose, I (Greg) still keep a blog open for my thoughts, articles, etc. on theology, religion, politics, and urban ministry at Please visit!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fall Pictures

That's often how I (Daddy) feel waking up.

Eve likes to eat blue chalk. Go figure. We try to keep her away from it, but not always successfully.

Lydah fell asleep here one night at the top of the stairs.

Enjoying cake on her first birthday!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jesus in My Heart

Last week Lydah "asked Jesus into her heart" and we were talking about it tonight before bed. Here's how the conversation went:

She said, "Daddy, do you have Jesus in your heart?"
"Yes, I do."
"Oh. Do you play games?"
"Games? Like what?"
"Do you play tag?"
"Do I play tag with Jesus in my heart?"
"Well, I suppose so."
"What about leap-frog? I like leap-frog."
I smiled, kissed her goodnight, and left the room.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Jesus Story

Lydah loves a good story. They come in many varieties, but her two favorites are "Cassie stories" and "Jesus stories." Cassie is a made-up character that is exactly Lydah's age, loves exactly the same things, and experiences exactly the same adventures as Lydah does. Jesus stories are, of course, embellishments of gospel stories.

So tonight before bed she asked me for a Jesus story and I told her the account of Blind Bartemaeus. Then she wanted to tell me a Jesus story and I realized that she was paraphrasing what she had just heard. Except it was a little different:

"There was a man and he was sad and he had a broken leg and there was bleed on it and he couldn't see. And he was crying and yelling, 'Jesus, Jesus!' And Jesus heard him and walked to him and said, 'What do you want?' 'I want to see and I want my leg to not bleed.' So Jesus made him okay. And he opened his eyes and his leg wasn't broken anymore and there wasn't any bleed! And then he saw everyone and it was his birthday! And there was cake and ice cream and yots and yots of presents. And everyone was happy. The End."

That's a loose paraphrase, but it's the best I can remember it. I am falling in love with the gospel according to Lydah.

On another note, I (Greg) left Eve on the bed this morning for one minute and she managed to crawl to the edge and fall off. Courtney and I both ran in as fast as we could when we heard the sound and, thankfully, she was crying loudly. Next she vomited twice and Courtney said that that was a sign of a concussion. So Courtney rushed Eve to the ER and I stayed back with Lydah feeling knots in my stomach. But, thank God, we prayed and Eve was okay. She acted normal after the vomit session and never lost consciousness. I'm so relieved and I have learned my lesson. I won't leave her alone again... ever.